Well, it's come down to this. Not which team we want, but which team we don't want to hear about for the next two friggin weeks. AFC: Tom Terrific for two weeks or Uncle Ray Ray? NFC: Harbaugh or Matty Ice? Listen as John, Dave, and Johnny P give you their imperfect insight into this and more...Is Colin Kaepernick Shaggy from Scooby Doo? Is Aaron Rodgers a muppet? Who will win the Oscar for Best Picture? Predictions, insight, lunacy. Johnny P claims Manti Te'o will be a great 'Fantasy' pick, and John has the inside skinny on why the Broncos lost in the fashion they did...Two words: Art Modell. Recorded a half an hour ago with almost twenty minutes of prep work, your intrepid Pig reporters let it all hang out...right now!!
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