Thursday, October 13, 2011

Podcast: Week 5 Recap - "I should write about it on facebook!"

Week 5 is in the books and your intrepid comic-tators, John and Dave, plow through the highlights and low-lights of all the games.  This week's wrap-up includes an EXCLUSIVE interview with Eli Manning and discussion about where the Raiders go now.  If you like your football funny, then you've come to the right place. Week 5 of The Pigskin Podcast is now!  Later this week:  Part 2, our weekly preview show.  Picks, predictions, and polysyllabic words, all for your listening pleasure!  Come and laugh with us.  "Get on board everybody!  Woo Woo!"

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  1. Yuengling produces beer in Tampa, so we've had it here in Florida for quite some time. Seems retarded the Ohio is an emerging market for them. I support Yuengling as the 1st or 2nd largest US owned brewer, but their beer is just ok. It's a bit malty, so it does have some character, but it's nothing special. It's always on my list of value beers, as a 12 pack is still under $10.

  2. lol @ you Tebow converts. After 4 years of Tebow jokes by SEC fans, I've heard every insult anyone could possibly dream up. It's cool that you two actually "get it". Yes, he can't throw worth a shit. EVERY pass he throws is late. His motion is like an 8 year old kid that can't grip a football and the throws come up from his hip. He has terrible mechanics, can't read defenses, all of that. I know. But... God is his co-pilot.
