Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pigskin Podcast - Week 11

Despite the week that was in the NFL, no Pigskin Podcaster sustained any head injuries during the taping. Join The Pig and it's discussion about nerf footballs. Nostalgia abounds for the men of The Pig. Also, is the Bears/Niners game on Monday going to be the best defensive game ever? It has an unheard of over/under of 27! Dave discusses his desire for someone to perfect a "nut shot": some special move the targets a player's nether regions. Sicko. Plus our continued disdain for Phillip Rivers and new disgust for Rex Ryan. So sit back, relax, and giggle to the NFL stylings of The Pigskin Podcast.

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1 comment:

  1. it's a mistake. no totals lower than 30 in the NFL.

    And when I was a little boy
    A ball of string my parents took from me

    Big Ben is a hunky? LOL That's a y'town phrase I haven't heard in years.
